Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Batch #1 - nearly there

Typing this is a mission because my hands be FREEZING! Why? Because I have just bottled about 14L of my first home brew.

Opening the lid of the fermenter to prime it was an amazing experience - HOPS! Turns out dry hopping with 100g of cascade really adds aroma. But bottling went very smoothly, up until the point I realised I had done my math wrong and hadn't sanitised enough bottles. Cue frantic cleaning/sanitising of a few 1.5L PET bottles.

But everything is done. Now just to let it chill out for a bit, and then I can start drinking some (hopefully) awesome home brew.

When I start cracking into that crate in about two weeks, I'll be a happy man. Because I made that beer. In this capitalist world, it really is nice to be able to make something yourself. If you prefer to make clothes, or preserves, or even grow some herbs - cool, and all the more chur to ya.

The beer is looking and tasting pretty good at the moment. Lots of grapefruit and orange flavour before it settles out into a big resin bitterness. If I did everything right, I should have some very drinkable IPA sometime soon.

And with that should come a review video. Until then!

The bit that didn't quite fit into any of the
bottles. Is looking pretty chur methinks!


  1. Looking good! Can't wait to sample your wares. Put down 60 litres of a dogfish head 60 minute IPA clone on Saturday. Might have to swap a couple of bottles.

    1. 60 litres! You don't do things by halves!

      Will certainly give you some. Check out my latest blog post for a bit of an overview on how it turned out.
